Copies of all active bylaws and policies that are not on this website are available at the municipal town office. If you would like to review a bylaw or policy, or if you have a question, please contact the municipal town office at Phone: 780.985.3604 or email

Please contact or 780.985.3604 ext. 222 for further information on the below bylaws.
Bylaw NameBylaw Number
Infrastructure/Utility Rates2016-09
Renter/Landlord Billing2011-06
Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste and Recycling Bylaw2023-11

Please contact or 780.985.3604 ext. 232 for further information on the below bylaws.

Bylaw/Policy NameBylaw/Policy Number
Tax Rate Bylaw2023-14
Residential Assessment Sub-Classes2019-11
Tax Penalty Bylaw2022-03
Tax Deferral Policy2022-096
Special Tax Bylaw2022-11
Municipal Assessor Bylaw2023-25