Calmar Community Baptist Church780.818.7084Calmar, Alberta
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Catholic780.986.3590 5023 - 48 Avenue
Calmar, Alberta
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Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox780.985.38392 miles West of Calmar on Highway 39
Range Rd. 272 North
Jehovah Witness Hall780.985. 3271 4621 47th Avenue
Calmar, Alberta
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SATNAAM ANAMI SATSANG GHAR 780.652-203637A Parkview Crescent
Calmar, Alberta
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St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church780.445.4167 5120 50th Avenue
Calmar, Alberta
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The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary780.985.3652 1 mile East of Calmar on Highway 39
2 miles North on Range Rd. 265
Calmar Community CemeteryMurray Westlin 780.991.6956

Cheryl Hancar 780.980-3046
27236 Hwy 39
4kms west of Calmar
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Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Catholic780.986.3590 5023 - 48 Avenue
Calmar, Alberta
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Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox780.985.38392 miles West of Calmar on Highway 39
Range Rd. 272 North
St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church780.445.4167 5120 50th Avenue
Calmar, Alberta
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Willow Creek Community Cemetery780.985.3983 27277 Township Rd 494
Calmar, Alberta
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Conjuring Creek Community Cemetery780.985. 3313 49102 Range Road 272
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Resurrection Park Cemetery780.903.0279 27342 Township Rd. 484,
Leduc County, Alberta
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Holy Ascension Russo-Greek Orthodox780.985.3753 Range Rd 275
Calmar, Alberta
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