TOWN OF Calmar
Municipal Development Plan Review and Update
Your Town, Your Vision
Municipal Development Plan
To shape our future, we must first envision it. Calmar is updating our vision through a new document—Our Calmar, Shaping the Future. This visionary plan will set our course toward ensuring we are a healthy, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient town for ourselves and future generations. This plan will not only guide our land use planning but also our economic, social, cultural, and ecological future.
This is your town and your opportunity to contribute to the creation of our future vision.
What is Our Calmar, Shaping the Future?
The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) provides a 50-year (2018–2068) framework for Calmar's ongoing growth and development. It offers strategic policy direction for land use, transportation, and servicing based on community input, Council’s comments, advice from the Town’s administration, and a population and land supply analysis. The MDP provides clear direction to Council, Administration, residents, and stakeholders about the future growth and development of the Town.
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