A Public Hearing is scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2025, in Calmar Town Office, Council Chambers starting at 6:30pm (or as soon as possible thereafter).

Bylaw 2025-03 Amendment. See a copy HERE

The proposed bylaw proposes to:

  1. Eliminate the reference to the Capital Region Growth Plan and add a reference to the Leduc County – Calmar Intermunicipal Development Plan.
  2. Eliminate the Public Utility Lots (PULs) from the area to be developed in the next stage of development.
  3. Update the statistic table.
  4. Revised figure 3 to 10 to remove the PUL and ensure a turnaround at the east end of 52 Avenue on figure 7 the Roadway Network.
  5. Update Section 6, the implementation and staging.

You can view the current Area Structure Plan HERE

For more information, please attend the Public Hearing on Monday, April 7, 2025 at 6:30pm.