Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)

The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) is now completing 2023 income taxes free-of-charge for people with low to modest income and a simple tax situation. This can include seniors, students, social assistance recipients and newcomers to Canada. The volunteer program DOES NOT complete returns for people who are deceased, bankrupt, or have business, farming, or rental income. Assistance to complete past year tax returns Is also available.

In order to be eligible to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, GST Tax Credit, Canada Child, Canada Workers Benefit or the Climate Action Incentive, your 2023 tax return must be filed. Income taxes are due by April 30th.

The town of Calmar’s tax clinic will be held from March 12th – April 18th. To find out if you are eligible for this program or to make an appointment, please contact Mikayla, FCSS Coordinator at 780.985.3604 ext. 233 or


If you’d like to offer your tax filing expertise – we NEED you! As a volunteer, you will work one-on-one assisting someone in our community through the completion and filing of their income taxes. Of course, tax time is busier, however we would love additional volunteers who can offer tax assistance year-round.

To find out if you are eligible for this program or to make an appointment, please contact