Plans & Projects
Recreation, parks and cultural programs and services provide a variety of benefits to the quality of life of residents in the town of Calmar (and Leduc County). The Town is committed to the continuation of high-quality services, sound planning and data-based decision making. To assist in achieving this commitment, the Town has completed a comprehensive Recreation Master Plan.
The plan will provide a firm steppingstone for continued planning in the Town and guide the future investment in recreation, parks, and culture over the coming years.
As we look ahead to 2030 and beyond, we see our community as an attractive choice for people to live and invest. We will have excellent recreation facilities, high community morale, healthy residents and an enlightened cultural sector that celebrates who we are as a community. The next ten years will see transformational change in Calmar, and we welcome residents, businesses and visitors to come with us on our journey!
Master Plan Priorities
The Implementation Plan identifies 74 action items, grouped into 17 separate priorities. The Town is encouraged to seek partnerships with stakeholder groups, neighbouring municipalities, provincial ministries and other applicable groups wherever possible to leverage available resources. Residents can also be engaged through task forces and committees to help contribute to implementation. The top 10 priority items for implementation include: