The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) provides a 50-year (2018 – 2068) framework for Calmar’s ongoing growth and development. It provides strategic policy direction for land use, transportation and servicing based on community input, Council’s comments, advice from the Town’s administration, and a population and land supply analysis. The MDP provides clear direction to Council, Administration, residents and stakeholders about the future growth and development of the Town. The MDP is intended to direct growth and development by:
- Conforming to the requirements of s.632 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA),
- Defining the Town’s future vision, and its consequent principles, goals, objectives and policies,
- Minimizing the occurrence of incompatible land uses,
- Identifying transportation and servicing network efficiencies,
- Providing direction to assist decision making at Council, and the Development Authority,
- Providing a foundation for the preparation of more detailed statutory plans, and
- Providing direction for the implementation of the Town’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB).